Tuesday, January 27, 2009


After a few l-o-n-g weeks without any news from Elder Sean Marco - zip, zilch, nada...
We finally got a long letter today, complete with details and photos!
Thirst quenched!  
Wow, that analogy just now reminded me of something from half my lifetime ago... (Yup, roughly 25 years) -- A little Proverb that was printed at the top of crinkly parchment pads of stationery sold to those of us serving in the Ecuador Quito Mission in the early 80's:
  "As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country."    (Proverbs 25:25)

(Even though my mind is always filled with minutia and random memories, NO... i could not still remember the whole phrase, just the jist.  But HOORAY for the web, for lds.org, and the ability to type in the word 'news', and simply click and find, no mas!)

I'll have one of the faster typists around here type in his letter soon.  
He's full of joy and full of investigators that are progressing.


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