Saturday, April 12, 2008


9 April 2008

I've been transferred! I was really hoping to have one more transfer with Elder Mose, at the end there we were teaching some fantastic lessons, practically straight out of PMG, asking questions, teaching to needs, etc. But, I guess I'm needed up here, in Mt. Vernon.

My new companion is Elder Herrin from Corscicana, Texas. He plays all kinds of sports, played sax, second youngest in his family (youngest is 7, and a girl!) and there are 3 boys and 4 girls in his family too! He's been out on his mission for 13 mo. now, a transfer less than Elder Cole. He was just called to speak Spanish, so I'm training Spanish again. But I think we'll get along without problems.

I miss the Lake Washington Ward. But hopefully the Spanish group up here will be a branch soon! I feel so lost driving. I'm now in a small area in a small town. Crazily enough, I'm not scared or worried at all! I feel much more secure and confident, though I still don't know what I'm doing. Maybe it's because we "whitewashed" in. I don't know. But I feel very comforted in my situation and my surroundings.

Okay, enough for now, more coming in 2 days! Write soon! I don't think the worry-free-ness will last long! :)


-Elder Sean

P.S. How 'bout Conference?! I loved Bednar's talk; members are full-time finders! Also Ballard's on mothers! I listened to Session 3 (4, technically) in Spanish! I understood a bit less than I thought I would; it's hard expanding outside the gospel vocab when you don't need it to survive! (like, to buy groceries.) But hopefully I can do that this next transfer! I'm so excited! At the same time, I know I'm scared somewhere, deep down, but thankfully it's drowning right now in the excitement! Pray for me! (More than usual ;)

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